Friday, December 27, 2019
The Unbalanced Scale Between Men and Women - 940 Words
The Unbalanced Scale between Men and Women Over an extensive period of time, the issue concerning gender has â€Å"consistently occupy the media and the public mind.†(Correll 20). It has established beliefs about the roles of men and women as a whole. â€Å"A man is expected always to be strong, impervious to pain, and especially to emotional stress, dominant in the role of lord and master; a woman is expected to be docile, submissive, passive, fulfilled in the role of subordinate.†(Fremon 129). It has been concluded for the longest time that women are the inferior gender, biologically, psychologically and socially. For many people, it is normal for women to be gender typed and never realize the prejudices underlying into it. They are judged with†¦show more content†¦Instead of supporting what her wife loves, he wished her to â€Å"work out in the orchard and raise some apples.†(Steinbeck). Women are expected to help their husbands before they aid to themselves. In addition, Elisa and her husb and, Henry, don’t have a child, which makes her feel less of a woman. People always think that women should be able to bear a child in order to fulfill the wifely duties. Because of that, Elisa’s married life was like a â€Å"closed pot,†she felt trapped, underappreciated and frustrated because she felt like she couldn’t do her part as a wife. (Steinbeck). â€Å"Not only sexual satisfaction denied her but she felt herself branded a failure.†(Fremon 129). Another contextual point that is being highlighted in the story is the encounter of Elisa and the pot mender. Elisa wished that â€Å"women could do such thing,†pertaining to the kind of life the pot mender has. The mender disagreed and told her that â€Å"It aint the right kind of a life of a woman†and added that, â€Å"It would be a lonely life for a woman†¦ and a scarey life.†(Steinbeck). The words coming from the pot mender indicates stereotypes about women. His i deals of women are the same as the society itself. He expected Elisa to be feminine and conjectured that women, like her, are weak to live a life that is dangerous and perilous. Despite the fact that both Henry and the pot mender showed indifference in Elisa’s role as aShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Women s Equality1347 Words  | 6 PagesIn the past 50 years, women have gained much more equality in America. That progress was a necessary step for our modern nation, but such a big change has been a factor in the breakdown of our nation s families. In the past 50 years, divorce rates have more than doubled. In the present day, it is just as likely that a married couple will divorce as it is that they will stay together (Marriage and Divorce). The push for women s equality has been a factor in the breakdown of the American familyRead MoreChinese Gendercide1719 Words  | 7 Pageshuman move further into the 21st century, the serious imbalance in sex ratio at birth is becoming obsolete. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln - 1873 Words
Abraham Lincoln, son of Thomas and Nancy Lincoln, was born February 12, 1809. He grow up in Hodgenville, Kentucky in a period when slavery was legal. His father Thomas did not approve slavery reason why his family didn’t own any slaves. Thomas Lincoln move to Indiana in 1816 with is family and two years later his wife died of milk sickness. The life in Indiana not being what they wanted Thomas then decided to move is family to Illinois. We have to know where Abraham came from in order to understand is political orientation in order to be able to make a judgment on what he may have or not done right and wrong. At the age of 23 Abraham decided to leave his parent to live on his own. And later started his political career by joining the†¦show more content†¦After lost his son, Edward, in 1850 Abraham took a break from politics to focus on his family. Later after his son Thomas birth in 1853 he decided to go back in to politic in order to stop the spread of slavery in the USA. Popular Sovereignty is the principle that the authority of the government is created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives who are the source of all political power. Senator Douglas was trying to make people to vote if slavery should continue or bane from the USA. Abraham was against slavery and took action to fight The Kansas-Nebraska Act and also against Senator Douglas. He then left the Whig party to join the Republican Party and to a shot in 1858 against Douglas for the senate in one of his speech Lincoln said â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved- I do not expect the house to fall- but I do expect it will cease to be divided. â€Å" Although Lincoln wasn’t popular, The Republicans think is ready to be vice president or even better president of the United States. But he self wasn’t convince of his chance due to his unpopularity and past failure. His Party convince him to give it a try, in 1960 he was invited at the Copper Union in New York City and the speech that he gave was so powerful that it became so popular. That even gave a boost into his popularity and get him
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Minds Are Opened Only When Hearts Are Opened Persuasive Essay Example For Students
Minds Are Opened Only When Hearts Are Opened Persuasive Essay They only function when they are open, James Dewar To create the elite that you want, growing as a human being and regularly experiencing a prosperous lifestyle, you will need a mind open to other people, possibilities, ideas and opinions around you. When you have an open mind you allow yourself to attract and follow up on opportunities. When you work with the power of the conscious and subconscious mind you will attract opportunities that will bring you what you need; for what you radiate you will constantly attract. When you are prepared to become creative you will create a vibrant life, while eliminating negative and unwanted situations. Most people think they already listen to others with an open mind, merely by paying close attention to what is being said. In fact, keeping an open mind is not easy to do if you are happy with the way you are doing things and do not see the point of changing. We all have moments, however, when we do listen With an open heart and mind, for example, we are more open to listening to someone we trust. An open mind is an understanding mind Which Will develop a genuine appreciation for people. When you take the trouble to think of other peoples feelings, their viewpoints and their desires you are saying people are important. An open mind will accept other people unconditionally, It requires the letting go of likes and dislikes and other similar emotions. When you do this you discipline your emotions and you allow people to be who they are with all their idiosyncrasies, differences and irritations. When you are communicating with others there can often be misunderstandings and these can lead to failure in your relations with others. We expect others to react and respond and come to the same conclusions we do over a given set of facts. Unfortunately, no one reacts to things as they are but to their own mental images; they are responding appropriately to what they see as the truth about the situation, An open-minded person will ask themselves How does this appear to that person? or, How does that person interpret the situation? And they will try to understand why someone might act differently to the way they expected. Many small business owners have faced extinction because they thought they knew it all and were not prepared to have an open mind and listen to others who had been down that path before them. When you are open minded you are always prepared to be teachable, to learn something new and take advantage of opportunities that present themselves. An open mind is the Donov an to expansion Of ideas. When you open your mind you are not compromising your ethics and values. It just means that you begin to practice a greater sense Of awareness and in doing so you are prepared to look at your world a little differently. Test opportunities that are presented to you and examine where the message is coming from. It may be from a friend, a neutral party or from a source about which you are skeptical. If you are not sure, instruct your subconscious mind to guide you by simply saying, l am making the right decision. Focus on what you want, not on what you dont want. A Closed Mind A closed mind is like a closed book, just a block of wood. Chinese Proverb. We have all been given the power to develop ideas and exercise free Will. Unfortunately too often those ideas die as a seed and people use their free will to close their mind to the tremendous opportunities surrounding them. This stubbornness prevents them from achieving the goals that they want for themselves and so the opportunity for success is greatly decreased. In our formative years we grow and develop e gos that maintain very particular ideas about ourselves in relation to the world around us. .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255 , .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255 .postImageUrl , .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255 , .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255:hover , .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255:visited , .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255:active { border:0!important; } .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255:active , .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255 .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0c91fe27f916db4cb288ba5c2a4ef255:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Cost Estimates For European Tour EssayYour ego is your conscious mind, that which controls your behavior and tries to give meaning to your external, material reality, It is powerful and can control your life if you allow it. Your external reality is a direct result of your mental and spiritual self so if the latter two are not where you want them to be your external ND material self will suffer. The ego cannot improve the quality tryout mental and spiritual life, When you close your mind you essentially become stubborn and become a victim of the ego mind which says, My attitude is right despite what anyone else has to say. The ego mind, although it thinks it knows better than anyone else, is never prepared to leave its comfort zone and so is not open to new ideas nor will it welcome others into its world. This kind of attitude shuts you footer the process of elite and nature which is about growing and experiencing new possibilities. Think about how many times you were resistant to trying something new only to eventually give in and discover that you really enjoyed the process. Limitations are the jail of the mind So if you can throw off the shackles and open your mind to new and exciting ideas, your possibilities become limitless. When the mind is shackled and limited it affects every part Of your life, for example, work presentations can lack innovation and impact and even every-day conversations are less productive and rewarding. Conversations often become defensive as the mind closes off to what is being said by others. Society today gives out a negative message that everyone is out to take you down and that if it ;looks to good to be true, it probably is. This causes many to close their minds to everything beyond their current knowledge. An open mind is a mind that is aware that the current knowledge is not all there is to know and will eagerly investigate possibilities. When you have a closed mind to new and exciting possibilities you essentially tell yourself that you are not willing to go the extra mile that you are not willing to grow and experience new things. You have now switched off the power within you and there can be no change and no progress in life and things will never improve. Such people become very introspective and weak. The old recordings of the past can, however, be changed, If you choose, you can wipe the old record clean, put on a new record and make a decision to activate the positive thoughts which lead to a relaxed and open view of the world Remember, the past explains how you got to the present but verge you go from here is your responsibility. In his book A Vision of Power Glory, John Shoe gives a Zen parable about two monks who are on a journey together when they come to a river. By the river there is a beautiful woman _ The woman asks them, Please will one of you monks carry me across the river? The river is too vide and the current too swift. The tuft monks kick at one another, because they have taken a sacred vow to not so much as even touch a woman. Then, abruptly, the older monk picks up the woman, carries her across the river and puts her down on the Other side. They continue on their journey. The younger monk is flabbergasted. He cant believe it. An hour goes by and not a word is spoken between them. TWO hours. Three hours. And finally, after four hours, he turns to the older monk and blurts out How could you have done that? .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495 , .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495 .postImageUrl , .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495 , .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495:hover , .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495:visited , .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495:active { border:0!important; } .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495:active , .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495 .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucae548d5e20ead55a700017ea62ec495:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Should Christopher Columbus be revered a hero EssayHow could you have carried that woman? Oh? responds his companion, Are you still carrying her? I put her down four hours ago. John Shoe goes on to say, How much are we still carrying around inside us that should have been put down a long time ago? Disappointments; regrets; failures; grudges. How much junk are we carrying around inside us and how long are we going to carry it? All our life? If you want to change and improve your attitude to elite then it is imperative that you keep an open mind. That is not to say you will be taken in by every fly-by-night scheme that may be put before you. An open mind is curious and investigative and examines new things. Your creative power system uses your conscious and subconscious mind to attract, explore and check out new opportunities so that you can begin achieving your goals and creating the life you want. Dont limit yourself; learn how to attract new possibilities and make the right decisions by developing the power of your mind ND heart If you move in your community with an open mind and an open heart you can learn to accept others. You dont have to agree with them, but accept who they are and feel free to express yourself. Remember a friend Of ours Who has passed on now, vivo was well-known and well-liked in community affairs. He met many people as he moved around and sometimes in a gathering he would be heard to say, Theres a fellow over there met recently and I didnt like him; must go over and get to know him better. He would always come away With a new-found friend; now thats an open mind and open heart.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Plan for an emarketing initiative Pisco Biondi
Introduction and organisation background Pisco Biondi is a liquor making organisation based in Peru. It was founded in the year 1972 by Antonio Biondi and was first called Antonio Biondi and sons. It was eventually renamed Pisco Biondi SAC after it became a public corporation.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Plan for an emarketing initiative: Pisco Biondi specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company is located in Southern Peru so that manufacturers can gain access to raw materials easily. The organisation does not concentrate on mass production of its various categories of liquor because it prefers to provide more quality than quantity. This is the reason why the biggest demographic in its retail sales is composed of high income earners. The company initially focused and sold to the Peruvian market exclusively. However, this has now changed with its expansion into Germany, Mexico, Japan and even the United S tates. Now that the company is moving into these international markets, it will also use the same targeting strategy in those foreign markets. Pisco Biondi will largely be selling to high income earners there as well. It is in need of a fresh, efficient and economical way of reaching this new target market. There are a wide range of products sold by the company but all are derived from grapes. The item is a brandy that is consumed by most Peruvians; however, Pisco is also made in neighbouring countries such as Bolivia and Chile. Examples of brand names one can find in this product range include Bindi Italia, Biondi Puro, Biondi sour or Buiondi Italia six pack. Description of what the initiative is about The initiative will focus on providing this Pisco maker with an e marketing solution for their business in the new foreign countries. The initiative will combine two components which include online direct sales and online direct marketing. The main goal in this initiative is to be ab le to get to wide audience as well as minimise the costs entailed through the use of the internet. This kind of medium will allow the company to reach a vast number of consumers conveniently and tell them about their products and services (Raghu Khiang, 2000).Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Online direct selling and online direct marketing will ensure that the company gets a boost to its already successful ecommerce strategy. Although the organisation is not 100 percent e-commerce, it has still used the internet for its sales. This e marketing initiative will therefore make the business more successful by increasing customer reach, heightening sales and subsequently increasing profit margins (Stone, 2007). The initiative will involve a three pronged approach: first it will entail the use of emails i.e. online email marketing, second it will embrace the use of social m edia such as facebook and twitter i.e. online direct selling on social media networks and third it will involve other websites that may have potential consumers such as online liquor stores, online retailers as well as online magazines. Analysis. Industry/ market/ competitors In Peru, the Pisco Biondi brand is well recognised and regarded as one of the most successful makers of brandy. However, the same cannot be said of the company in other parts of the world. The firm has a small presence in these countries and very few of them actually know about it. In the United States, several brandy makers are competing with Pisco’s and some of them have been in the market for a very long time. Consumers tend to focus on cheaper commodities over and above the costly ones. Compared to other high end brandies, Pisco is likely to do well in these circumstances because its quality is higher than the price. Japan and Germany are showing some positive responses to the product but they cou ld definitely improve. Research findings. Value proposition The great thing about this method of advertising is that it can be done so fast. Traditional marketing methods such as tvs and radios would take too long. Even traditional direct selling methods such as direct mail or coupons and leaflets would be too slow as one would have to find a way of physically transporting the information to the consumer.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Plan for an emarketing initiative: Pisco Biondi specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This strategy of online direct marketing will allow Pisco Biondi to send information to a large portion of the public at the shortest time possible. Once information has been found concerning email addresses or social networking profile names, all the company needs to do is click and send. Email addresses can be found so easily as will be discussed below so this should not be a problem for th e company (Nowak, 2008). This strategy provides Pisco Biondi with a range of options that they can use in order to reach consumers; it does not rely on only one avenue as would other methods of direct selling. Therefore inefficiencies in one method can be overcome by strengths in another. For example, not everyone can be found through email databases so this inefficiency will be corrected by targeting potential buyers on social networking websites. On the other hand, not all potential buyers will give information about their liquor preferences on social networking websites; consequently, the campaign will then address this inefficiency through the use of banner ads on selected websites. Therefore, this three pronged approach will contribute towards a very comprehensive marketing strategy that will reach as many clients as possible. The company will not be carrying out every step of the marketing initiative on their own. There are experts who have already done research on possible ta rget consumers in various countries around the world. This information can be purchased and used in order to get to target audiences (Haughton, 1997). Additionally, the method will involve automation and use of software to monitor the company’s progress. Consequently, the company will need to involve only minimal effort in getting their message across.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This emarketing initiative will contribute towards the access of home product purchasers who currently prefer using the internet to make their purchases. The buyers can be fully aware of the products they are buying through visual displays of the products (Zahvai, 1997). It will boost brand identity because liquor consumers will become familiar with the name and the brand. Also, online direct marketing is likely to translate into purchases because the consumers will be redirected to the company website where they can make their purchase. This would heighten overall sales and cause many individuals to continue buying form the company. Pisco Biondi is also likely to increase its profit margins through reduced expenditures. Other indirect marketing channels are more expensive. Also, direct marketing without the use of the internet may also be costly because it is likely to translate into creation of materials. The firm will only use a small portion of what it would have used through ot her conventional modes of marketing and this will save them money. The result will be an overall increase in profit margins. One cannot also be sure about these traditional methods’ reach and effectiveness. Through online direct marketing, the company will be sure. Objectives 1. To create an international Pisco Biondi Presence. Through the three pronged approach that will used in this initiative, the company will be better able to reach its worldwide consumers. Most of the countries targeted are advent users of the internet so this will definitely be a channel worth pursuing. The global market can be difficult to access using traditional media but this strategy will do so effortlessly. First of all, the emarketing strategy will be able to facilitate the ecommerce strategy in place currently. Since consumers from other parts of the world are in different time zones or they are confined by geographical barriers, it will be a very good idea to get to them using an online marketi ng strategy such that these limitations of physical distance can be overcome. Also, because many residents are quite busy at work, then chances are that an online way of marketing and selling to them would be more appropriate (Spiller, 1997). Studies indicate that in the western world, approximately fifty seven percent of internet users check their email on a daily basis. Many more visit facebook, twitter or other social networking websites regularly and the same can be said of online stores or businesses. This e marketing strategy will be designed to reach a very wide consumer base through a method that resonates with their lifestyles. This will not only save the Pisco Biondi shelf space, it will also build a great online presence for the company. 2. To generate and also increase sales. Online direct marketing will cause the consumers to know about the product and therefore purchase it. Since the company carries out online transactions then this will be a relatively easy task. The marketing strategy will be a continuation of the ecommerce business that already has a firm foothold in the host country Peru. This campaign does not involve a complicated message (which is almost impossible to do in direct marketing). It will simply tell the customers what the products is about and no complicated meanings will be found in it, this straight to the point approach is likely to create a good return on Pisco Biondi’s investment. The marketing campaign will possess a ‘call to action’ either by telling the viewers of the information to make a call, visit the website or click on a website link. All these actions will possibly be done with the intention of making a purchase. Buyers who view the information and are interested in purchasing will be able to do so easily by simply clicking on a link that will direct them to the company website. Furthermore, they will be informed about all the issues they need to known about the products through this initiati ve. Consequently, consumers will not need to go through great lengths in order to access it and their satisfaction with the company’s provisions will increase. 3. To improve customer relationship management by responding to consumer needs quickly (Novak, 1999). This initiative will not just be done for the sole purpose of generating new clients; it will also be done in order to enhance repeat sales from previously existing customers by creating a relationship with them. Customers who have already purchased a product from Pisco’s website will have indicated that they are immensely interested in what is on offer by the organisation. Therefore, the company can send them direct emails about new products, campaigns in their area etc. It will form some kind of partnership with them and will therefore enrich their consumer experience. Repeat business and customer loyalty have been recognised by many as a sure way of ensuring high cash flow (Campbell, 1997). It takes less time and effort to market to someone who has never heard of a product than to one who has and actually liked it. Pisco will target achieving repeat sales through this strategy. 4.To boost consumer confidence. This will be achieved by showing the consumer that the company does indeed have a dependable online presence and that it can always be reached whenever the customer requires something from the organisation (King et. al., 2000). 5. To measure effectiveness of the campaign and thus get value for money. One of the most appealing qualities of online direct marketing is that is can be easily measured. Since Pisco Biondi will be sending a certain number of emails, social networking messages and placing a certain number of advertisements, the company will be in a position to measure the outcome of the method by looking at how many emails were replied and how many adverts solicited responses. In this regard, if the potential buyer clicks on the company link or they make a call to the compa ny offices then that will be rated as positive action. The organisation can then determine their rate of success by comparing this number with the original. The company will also be in a position to reassess its campaign so as to improve it and thus make it better. Strategies Email marketing optimisation will be one of the key strategies used in the marketing campaign. Here, the company will send consumers information about the products and will offer a link on the email that will allow customers to immediately get to the company website. However, several email marketing methods have been criticised for their invasion of privacy. In fact, many consumers have installed antispamming software to detect these kinds of emails. In order to ensure that Pisco Biondi does not fall prey this issue, emails will only be sent to possible target customers. Most recipients will consider unwanted emails as junk if they are not interested in the product; however, if they are, then the email will be more than welcome. The company will use the services of online database makers such as Engage. The latter organisation normally collects information about the demographics, buying habits, entertainment preferences and other details about people on the internet. Pisco Biondi will purchase the names of these people from those companies and thus send emails to consumers who are likely to buy a product from the company (Blattberg Petrison, 1997). Engage already boasts of a database of 30 million users and possesses a lot of information about their preferences or any other related information. Other companies that work with consumers online also know a lot about them and can also give a hint on their ability to purchase from Pisco or not. Email addresses will be purchased or obtained from those organisations and will be used in the campaign. It is likely that they can lead to more positive responses than by simply sending emails to any email address that the company can find. Usually, e mail addresses are found by forwards sent to different people in one’s mailing list. A private email can therefore end up being viewed by thousands of people and thus provide them with the opportunity to contact the individual. Many ethical issues have cropped concerning this tactic as it may be seen as intrusive. One way in which Pisco Biondi will counter the effects of such negative effects will be to countercheck on opt out lists found in several countries around the world. Poorly demographically based databases are likely to cause this reaction but so are people who have a negative sentiment against bulk emails; only those customers who are not in opt out lists will be directed by Pisco. Additionally, the firm will ascertain that it does not miss out on certain customers by utilising software from email service providers. The software will prevent the company’s emails from being categorised as spam when the recipient is not an opt – out client Milne, 2000). For this emarketing strategy to work, the company will also need to ensure that they do not display their advertisements to people who are not interested in viewing them. In other words, the company will use pop up advertisements on the internet on online magazines and online retail stores. These websites will either exclusively focus on the sale of liquor or they will focus on other products alongside liquor. Consequently, when someone visits those websites then chances are that the individual would be interested in viewing information about Pisco. Also, particular emphasis will be given to those websites that do not just focus on one type of liquor such as beer because customers may be interested only in this category. Online retail stores that possess a wide range of these products would be more preferable in the campaign. These pop up adverts will also provide a link that allows individuals to visit the company website and buy the product or at least get more information about i t so that they may be able to buy next time (Chhajed Chiang, 2003). When it comes to the issue of social networking websites, the company will have a great advantage here because social networks provide a lot of information about how consumers behave. They will state their preferences on one section of the online presence on those networks. Buyers are also likely to share jokes or place images in their profiles which give away information about their preferences. In order to ensure that the company reaches the right people, it will identify people on facebook and twitter who seem to have an inclination towards Pisco’s products. Critical success factors Several factors will contribute towards the success of this marketing strategy. Density is one of them; this involves the quantity of advertisements that will be available to the public/ target market. Dense marketing campaigns are more effective than sparse ones because the latter reach less potential buyers. Saturation will also be another vital component of the process. The firm will need to ensure that it does not reach saturations as this harms sales outcomes. Constant monitoring will be done in order to ensure that such levels are not attained. The company will create a number of advertisements but they all need to be tested one after the other. If one leads to desired responses then it can be maintained but if this is not the case then the organisation needs to remove it from the campaign. That will ensure that only the right advertisements are getting out there and that only desired outcomes are reached also. In the social networking websites, consumers who are irritated by the messages sent to them by the firm will always state this in their profiles. Pisco Biondi will need to monitor those responses and thus ensure that they are not causing a certain degree of saturation among the chosen social networking websites. For this e-marketing initiative, the company will need to think of proximity iss ues. In other words, the company must ensure that the advertisements and information sent are to people who may be interested in the product. The more they are interested in the product, the more likely the communication can create positive effects by leading to a sale. One of the methods in which the company can ensure that it is targeting the right people is through keyword searches. Consumers who tend to look for certain words are more likely to be interested in particular products. In the company’s case, search words such as liquor, brandy, foreign liquor can all contribute towards realisation of these kinds of effects. Efficient market surveys and target marketing will ensure that proximity is ascertained in the campaign. Lastly, for the project to be successful then Pisco Biondi must make sure that they create depth. The emails sent and the advertisements offered online will need to contain content that resonates with the buyer. It needs to be mature but captivating at the same time. Furthermore, cultural and social factors need to be taken into consideration since the target market spreads across a series of nations i.e. Japan, Germany or even Mexico. Standardised information for all clients would eliminate the concept of depth and this would not contribute towards an unsuccessful marketing strategy. Key action plans/ recommendations This marketing initiative will involve four major phases with the first being the research phase. In the research phase, the company through research firms will carry out an analysis of the customers and thus be able to identify the most likely candidates for the campaign. In other words, the research firm will look at some of the favourite food and wine magazines in Mexico, Japan, the USA as well as Germany. Pisco will also investigate the online retail stores that will form a part of this campaign and determine which ones will partner with it. Furthermore, the research firms can give them information about people w ho visit social networking sites such as facebook and twitter and find out which users are interested in liquors such that they can utilise them as targets for the advert. The other research will also be done by other external bodies which will already possess demographic details of the concerned customers such that they can be used in the marketing campaign. The firm will look for the things that make the customer respond well to advertisements by studying the market areas of those various target markets (Peltier Schribrowsky, 1997). It will copy formats that are more in tune with these preferences and thus lead to highly effective targeting The second phase will be the analysis phase. After collecting information about the customer, the company will then decide on the content and the quantity of the advertisements to be made and the emails to be sent. After learning about customer preferences in the target countries, it will then make custom made banner ads for those respective c onsumers. These banners will only contain information about the product and where to find the website. In other words, they will possess a call to action. The company will decide on the number of advertisements placed depending on the nature of customer databases they find for email marketing. It will need to keep track of this information so that it can use it later when it is assessing the effectiveness of its marketing actions (Geransar, 2008). The third phase will be the implementation phase. As the name suggests, this will involve sending people the actual communication concerning what the company has to offer. Emails will be sent to consumers and so will messages through facebook, twitter and other social networking websites. On facebook and twitter, the company will send them personalised messages. Since consumers respond well to personalised messages then an inbox message would be better to send than a post on the person’s profile or ‘wall’. Furthermore, pop up ads will be placed on the selected websites. The company will first start with social networking websites as these are the simplest to deal with. They will then follow these up with emails to other individuals and finally post the pop up ads on selected websites. By the end of it all, the company will have reached a wide client base. Once purchases are made, it will continue to send messages to those consumers in order to inform them about new company developments. All the messages and communications will contain crucial information about the products. The company will state the name of the product, display a visual image of it and will also add a small slogan at the bottom. In some advertisements, it will be â€Å" for the man who makes this happen†; in others it will be â€Å"taste the excellent taste of real brandy†and other slogans which will be customised depending on the target audience. Since some of the websites involved maybe in foreign language then t he information provided by Pisco Biondi will need to be translated for such kinds of customers. The last phase in this marketing strategy will be the monitoring phase. The company will compare all the numbers of people who responded to their call to action in the social networking websites concerned, the emails sent as well as the click throughs on the their pop up advertisements. By comparing these figures, the firm will be in a position to measure how effective the marketing campaign was. It should be noted that some of the consumers may not use the same method of communication that the company employed but these observations will be easily made by the company which will already posses a database that contains all the information concerning how they reached that respective consumer. This phase should then lead back to step one if it has been found that the success rate is lower than normal for any communication channel employed. Pisco should then reanalyse their consumers to find out what they could be doing wrong (Malthouse, 2001). Conclusion The key thing to being successful using this marketing method is to really focus on targeting. Instead of sending messages to everyone in a social networking website or sending messages to any email address that the company can find, it would definitely be more effective to send the messages to people who are prepared to receive them or people who are willing to act on those messages by making a purchase. The company needs to make sure the emails are relevant so that they can capture the concerned market’s attention easily and without too much fuss. The trick is always to stay informed about the social cultural background of the buyer and hence provide him or her with a customised message that would make sense or appeal to him or her in the marketing process. References Blattberg, R. Petrison, L. (1997). Database marketing: past, present and future. direct marketing journal, 11(4), 63-70 Campbell, A. (1997). Re lationship marketing in consumer markets: a comparison of managerial and consumer attitudes. Direct marketing journal, 6(54), 89-93 Chhajed, D. Chiang, W. (2003). Direct marketing, indirect profits: a strategic analysis of dual channel supply chain design. Management science journal, 4(32), 103-115 Geransar, R. (2008). Evaluating online direct to consumer marketing of genetic tests: informed choices or buyer beware? Genetic testing journal, 3(15), 41-52 Haughton, D. (1997). 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