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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Great Gatsby- theme essays
Incredible Gatsby-subject articles The solid subject The American Dream, is formed and made in light of these significant segments, realism, narrow-mindedness, and social standing. Realism plays one of the key parts in the subject of The Great Gatsby. Scratch offers an incredible input of how cash taints, They were reckless individuals, Tom and Daisy they crushed up things and animals and afterward withdrew once more into their cash or their tremendous lack of regard or whatever it was that kept them together, and let others tidy up the chaos they had made Each of the characters show his or hers dedication towards what they each esteem. Daisy loves cash and Gatsby acknowledges it. The tale obviously infers that, rich young ladies don't wed poor young men. Since Gatsby figures cash can bring him joy, he purchases the fanciest vehicles, the biggest house, and the most delightful garments. He has the best of everything. He has everything with the exception of the one thing he really needs, Daisy. Gatsby shows a need and voracity for Daisys love. Gracious, you need excessively! She cried to Gatsby. I love you now-isnt that enough? I cannot help whats past... That statement shows the childishness Gatsbys character has, when gone up against with the way that Daisy could adore somebody other than himself. Tom Buchannen, Daisys spouse, shows his eagerness by exploiting his messed up marriage by engaging in extramarital relations. Daisys voracity is unquestionably progressively shallow, she weds a man she claims to adore on account of the substance in his wallet, undermines him, and damages the one individual that really cherishes her. Social standing is the thing that characterizes why a portion of the specific characters may act in the manners they did. Jay Gatsby past was found to be poor; thus the explanation Daisy, a rich young lady, didn't wed him. Be that as it may, rather wedded into the most elevated position, old cash. Which in that remaining there is just a single method to look, that is down at individuals, new m... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Bottled Water Essay Example for Free
Filtered water Essay Two or three decades back, individuals go to the tap for drinking water. Presently, the vast majority, both youthful and old, drink water from bottles. Truth be told, the interest for filtered water is incredible to such an extent that it has become a multimillion-peso business in the nation today. Why would that be a significant development in the interest for filtered water? The fundamental explanation is the expanding wellbeing cognizance of the individuals. Numerous individuals incline toward filtered water since they question the neatness of faucet water. The nature of faucet water has been diminishing. To be protected, individuals pick filtered water to abstain from drinking water that might be tainted with destructive microorganisms. Sullied water can cause looseness of the bowels and other stomach issue that murder, similar to diarrhea, gastroenteritis, amoebiasis, cholera, and hepatitis. For the most part, the filtered water that you purchase is either mineral water or decontaminated water. Water plants utilize surface water or ground water as the principle crude material. These plants are situated in places a long way from urban areas and mechanical focuses to maintain a strategic distance from sullying. MINERAL WATER Mineral water originates from mineral springs. It typically contains a high substance of mineral salts or gases, and which therefore may have an activity on the human body not the same as that of common water. Mineral waters are generally named soluble, saline, chalybeate (iron-containing), sulfurous, bitter, and arsenical. Mineral springs are created profound underground, where, under serious warmth and weight, calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, and different minerals are filtered from the encompassing rocks. Mineral water is likewise called circulated air through water. (The term circulated air through methods accused of gas.) The most widely recognized gases that are in mineral water are carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. Rules FOR BOTTLED MINERAL WATERS There are exacting principles for water to be named as mineral water. Authentic mineral water ought to contain the correct level of such minerals as manganese, chromium, selenium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and different minerals. In California, United States, to be marked mineral water, the water must contain 550 sections for each million (ppm) of all out broke up solids (TDS). In Europe, mineral water must meet a few models. One is that the water must stream openly from its source, which means it may not be siphoned or constrained starting from the earliest stage, the water must be packaged straightforwardly at its source. Besides, the waters properties, for example, its temperature, mineral equalization, and weight have not changed in ten years. Some better known brands of mineral water in Europe incorporate Evian and Ferrier of France, Ferarrele of Italy, and Apollinaris of Germany. All these conatin 330, 560, 1,400, and 2,250 ppm of TDS, individually. Therapeutic EFFECTS OF MINERAL WATER It has for quite some time been accepted that mineral springs have incredible healing forces. Truth be told, individuals have utilized mineral water since old occasions to fix such illnesses as stiffness, skin contaminations, and poor assimilation. Likewise, many fizzing waters (impregnated with carbon dioxide gas) are utilized as table drinks and to weaken spirits or wines. In view of the springs therapeutic impacts, restorative spas have been worked around mineral springs. These spas are frequented by individuals who are trusting that the springs waters will alleviate them of their sicknesses, for example, gout, liver difficulty, heartburn, and ailment. Refined WATER Water that is treated by the procedure of refining structures refined water. This substance is cleaner than the first water since salt and different debasements don't vanish with the water. Refining is the foremost technique for purging water. In this procedure, the water is disintegrated into steam, the steam is consolidated go into fluid water, and the water is gathered in a different holder, deserting the pollutions. Different strategies for water refinement incorporate chlorine treatment, ozone treatment, bright cleaning, and oxidation-decrease media. Likewise, one strategy for water purging is with the utilization of iodinated tar. Iodinated gum can decimate even the littlest infections through electrostatic fascination. Adversely charged contaminants are attracted to the decidedly charged sap. This guarantees contact, regardless of how little the microorganisms that may somehow or another getaway if channels are utilized. Upon contact, the pitch discharges adequate iodine to enter and slaughter the microorganisms. Delivering SAFE, PURE WATER One of the best techniques for creating protected, unadulterated water comprises of a three-advance procedure. The initial step is the utilization of dregs channels to evacuate enormous particles. The dregs sift acts to screen through suspended issue and can likewise evacuate numerous unsafe microbes and protozoa that might be available in the water. The subsequent advance is to cleanse the water using iodinated sap. This devitalizes even the littlest unsafe microorganisms inside the water. Natural contaminants could likewise be expelled by introduction to bright light, executing the microorganisms that may even now be in the water. The third step is the utilization of carbon channels to evacuate taste-and scent causing contaminants. The channels initiated carbon and its particle trade sap expel undesirable particles and atoms from water, leaving those that make waterâ pleasant to drink. The actuated carbon additionally starts a concoction response that changes over free chlorine, which water utilities put in water to eliminate germs, into chloride and hydrogen particles, which are protected and taste okay. Different frameworks in packaging water comprise of a few stages that use both refinement and filtration forms. In certain frameworks, water is gone through upwards of 16 phases in the entire procedure. Water is a terrifically significant substance that continues life here on earth. In any case, sheltered, unadulterated water is turning into an uncommon ware all over the place. Filtered water, regardless of whether mineral or refined, offers safe drinking water for us all.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Argumentative Essay Samples - Are They Worth It?
Argumentative Essay Samples - Are They Worth It?Argumentative essay samples are becoming more popular, and the rise of this trend is due in part to the ease at which they can be obtained. There are many sites that offer these for free, but there are also many that will charge a fee to get you the best of the best. To make sure that you get the best results, it is best to seek out the free samples first, because these will be the ones that most closely reflect the style of essay you are looking for.Argumentative essay samples are created with all types of writers styles in mind. As such, you can expect to find several styles represented here, all of which are great ways to help your essay stand out. There are some writers who are very particular about the usage of their names within their works, while others may like to include titles or opening lines to their pieces. By using argumentative essay samples, you can create exactly what you want and then distribute it for other people to use.One of the best things about the argumentative essay samples available for free is that they are very simple and easy to use. When you read an essay sample, you will not need to worry about complex formatting or style as the structure is used directly as a basis for your writing. In other words, the structure of an essay sample is perfectly matched to how you want your piece to come across to the reader.You can easily make use of this in your writing by using argumentative essay samples. If you want your content to be brief and easy to understand, you can do this easily by following a different format. If you are more ambitious, you can make use of the many different styles available to create longer, more elaborate pieces. By doing this, you will not only have a much better chance of getting a higher grade, but also will have your work read more favorably.Many sites will offer you a free sample of their works, but there are also sites that will only be available to those that p ay a fee. These are the sites that will be able to provide you with the best essay writing experience. A great example of this would be if you used some of the argumentative essay samples for free and then had to pay a fee to access the different types of styles. In this case, you will be able to access lots of different styles that you have never seen before, and you will then have the ability to choose the best ones for your style of writing.You should try to look for sites that offer more than just the argumentative essay samples. If you are going to search for them, you should also look for the other styles that are offered. These will include different kinds of word games, narrative, and many others. This will give you a good chance of understanding these styles and learning how to use them effectively for your own writing needs.The main idea behind writing essays with argumentative essay samples is to make sure that you use the formats and structures correctly. When you can re ly on different styles to get you the grades you want, you will find that you do not have to rewrite everything that you write. Instead, you will be able to use the structures that have been designed for you to the fullest.The key to writing effectively is in knowing what style of essay to use. By finding the best of the free argumentative essay samples that are available, you will be able to make sure that you get the job done. Using them will give you a style that you can use for your writing, and it will also provide you with a structure that you can use to make sure that your essay is not only read well, but will also be well written.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Workplace Is A Serious Problem For Nurses Essay - 1181 Words
The American Nurses Association (ANA) encourages a safe, healthy and respectful work environment (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2016). Despite their encouragement, bullying in the workplace is a serious problem for nurses. While there are no federal laws protecting nurses, many states have set forth regulations directed at reducing workplace violence. At this time, Colorado does not have any regulations, bills, or laws preventing bullying, incivility, or workplace violence. This paper will propose the introduction of the Healthy Workplace Bill (HWB) to the state of Colorado. Situation: Is This Something That Can Be Legislated? The problem or concern identified in this paper is workplace bullying amongst nurses. It is identified as â€Å"repeated, health-harming mistreatment of one or more persons (the targets) by one or more perpetrators†(Healthy Workplace Bill [HWB], 2016). It may include verbal abuse, threatening, intimidating, or humiliating behaviors, work interference, or sabotage. According to HWB (2016) it affects 27% of adult American and can trigger many health related issues. Hypertension, autoimmune disorders, PTSD, anxiety and depression have all been linked with workplace violence. The author of this paper proposes the introduction of the HWB to the state of Colorado. The HWB is designed to â€Å"get employers to prevent bullying with policies and procedures that apply to all employees†(HWB, 2016). Much like the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is designed at healthShow MoreRelatedSubstance Abuse Among Nurses Essay920 Words  | 4 Pagesover the age of 18 where substance dependent (Epstein, Burns, Conlon, 2010). Many of these individuals being affected are nurses. Ponech (2000) stated that approximately 10% of the nursing population has alcohol or drug abuse problems, and 6% has problems serious enough to interfere with their ability to practice (as cited in Talbert, 2009, p.17). Studies show that nurses have a 50% higher rate of substance abuse compared to the rest of the public (Epstein et al., 2010). Among the many factorsRead MoreViolence Against Nurses in the Emergency Department782 Words  | 4 PagesViolence Against Nurses in the Emergency Depart ment Kimberly L. Kirk Professional Nursing Practice of the Baccalaureate Nurse August 8, 2014 Violence against Nurses in the Emergency Department According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, workplace violence is defined as â€Å"an act of aggression directed toward persons at work or on duty, ranging from offensive or threatening language to homicide†(Wolf, Delao Perhats, 2014, p.305). Workplace violence (WPV)Read MoreNurses with Addiction1024 Words  | 5 Pages The American Nurses Association estimates between ten and twenty percent of nurses will abuse drugs within the workplace at some point during his/her career (ANA, 2002). This percentage is similar to that of substance abusers within the general population. Due to the ease of access to narcotics on the job, it can be difficult to recognize a problem in the early stages. Only once the nurse’s activities have been suspected due to medication shortage or job performance problems can interventionRead MorePersonal Statement : Florence Nightingale Essay1349 Words  | 6 Pages Nurses, for centuries, were on the front lines, taking care of the sick and wounded by any means necessary, forsaking their own happiness for the care of others. Their dedication was endless, going hours without sleep, and possibly days without eating. Nursing was and currently is a taxing career, that demands perseverance, patience, compassion, and trust. A nurse was once held in high esteem, considered the guardian angel to many, at times respected more than the physician. Florence NightingaleRead MoreBullying At The Nursing Profession845 Words  | 4 Pagesa term that many associate with children and while this has been recognized as a serious issue in schools across the country, such conduct unfortunately does not stop there. It has been said that nurses eat their young and while this may sound particularly extreme, bullying as well as lateral and vertical violence in the nursing profession has been an ongoing and increasingly prevalent issue in recent years. Nurses are commo nly placed in leadership roles, and while one would think this would offerRead MoreNursing Bullying Essay1248 Words  | 5 PagesRunning head: IMPACT OF NURSE TO NURSE BULLYING The Impact of Nurse to Nurse Bullying in the Workplace The Impact of Nurse to Nurse Bullying in the Workplace Have you ever been a target of an individual’s cruelty and hatred? It does not necessarily have to be physical, but more like being verbally degraded or publicly humiliated. The effectsRead MoreDoctor Of Nursing Practice Roles1434 Words  | 6 PagesRoles against Workplace Violence in the Nursing Profession Introduction Workplace violence in nursing has become a serious problem that affects the nursing profession in many aspects (Murray, 2009). According to Skehan (2015), there were few studies or documentation about the perception or management of nurse leaders against workplace violence in nursing. Therefore, doctor of nursing practice (DNP) prepared nurses should become the experts in identifying, analyzing, and irradiating workplace violenceRead MoreThe Profession Of Nurse And Nurse Migration915 Words  | 4 PagesWorld Health Organisation [WHO] (2009) indicates the profession of nurse is a key component and major contributor to the global healthcare workforce. However, nursing worldwide has significant disparities, notably apparent between developed and developing countries. Although there are signs of improvement, much needs to be done to globalise the standards of nursing. There is a substantial difference in the profession of nurse in Australia compared to India and the issues encounte red (Charles etRead MoreStress in Nursing Practice780 Words  | 4 PagesStress is a common occurrence in the workplace. In health care in particular, there are high levels of stress which can have a negative impact on the environment, the staff, and ultimately the patients. Nurses are subjected to a great deal of occupational stress which in turn impacts the quality of patient care. Occupational stress can be defined as, â€Å"the destructive physical and emotional response that occurs when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities or desires of the employee†Read MoreThe Effects Of Workplace Violence On The Workplace1501 Words  | 7 Pagesincrease in the rate of workplace violence in private-sector hospitals by 110% (2016). Workplace violence, which consists of physical and psychological abuse during work or on duty, has been an increasing problem in the healthcare industry. Workplace violence occurs in all types of healthcare settings such as hospitals and nursing homes and includes violence from patients, visitors, invaders, and coworkers. Although many states, including California, have laws preventing workplace violence, there is no
Friday, May 15, 2020
Taking a Look at Poltergeist - 591 Words
Poltergeist are loud supernatural ghosts that are not something you want to mess with. Have you ever had the bed shake unexpectedly? Or have the power go out when there’s a not even a storm? Or maybe even had some disappearing objects†¦ Well this could be the result of a Poltergeist. We believe that Poltergeists are real. (MOLLY) Poltergeist hauntings have been going on for a very long time. Several historical poltergeist cases have been well documented. One of the first poltergeist cases was the Thornton Heath Poltergeist Case. One August night the family was woken in the middle of the night by their radio, which had somehow turned itself on. The radio was turned to the foreign language station. At christmas time an ornament was taken off the tree by an unseen presence, and thrown a the fathers forehead. Near new years eve footsteps were heard in the attic. Accounts of poltergeist encounters have been happening since this time. People in history probably wouldn’t lie about there being a ghost in their house. If it was just a made up thing how would so many people have evidence of poltergeist? So do you believe poltergeists are real? (CLAIRE) Poltergeists center people usually that are teens. Their attacks are usually towards people that have sadness in their life and depression. They are life like creatures that throw things, scratch you, and just wreck your house. They are not nice to you and can last anywhere from 3 hours to 3 years it can be super short or super long.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of A Midsummer Night s Dream 1915 Words  | 8 Pageslines already show that Puck, in contrast to humans, is not bound by societal norms. Instead, he is free to directly access and satisfy his unconscious desires. Other incidents, further, display Puck’s accessibility to the Id. For instance, one can look at the incident of Puck transforming Bottom’s head into that of a donkey’s. Whilst some might say that Bottom is able to express his Id’s animalistic desires here, it is evident that Bottom is only able to do such through a fictional medium such asRead More Steven Spielberg Biography Essay example2581 Words  | 11 Pagesshower in the middle of the night (Stein 2). In time this event would also find its way into his 1977 film, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The grin of a clown, a deadly tree outside a window, and being afraid at night, all out of 1982’s Poltergeist, were all born out of Steven’s real childhood phobias (5). Influence for films such as 1993’s Academy Award winning drama/documentary Schindler’s List could be attributed Steven growing up in a Jewish family. Steven has recalled that during hisRead MoreFrom Childho od to Adulthood in Fantasy Fictions. Essay2060 Words  | 9 Pagesis overcome by the owl manifestation of the myth, Huw tries to show Gwyn that it could be so simply resolved if he could only forgive: Always it is owls, always we are destroyed. Why must she see owls and not flowers? Always it is the same...Look to her. Comfort her. I cant, man. You dont know what these two have done. I cant touch her. (221) Gwyns stubbornness smothers him, and it takes good natured Roger to break through to Alison and help her realise that she is only owlsRead MoreHorror Restaurant5274 Words  | 22 Pagesfloor. Additional Features: A late night horror movie show on every Saturday and exciting games like who can dig the grave fastest, counting the bats , stabbing till death etc. besides this our staff members including the waiters will look more like roaming vampires , draculas , monsters in full horrific environment. The meal will be served in specially designed cutlery like skulled shaped bowl with dripping blood etc which will make people closer to the dead world. (1) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Read MoreDisney Pixar5473 Words  | 22 Pagesa restructuring of their present Co-Production Agreement with Disney; or, 2) an outright buyout offer from Disney. Either scenario will likely improve Pixar’s financial position substantially. Taking a closer look at earnings in 2001, Pixar began the year with an estimate for investors to look for returns between $0.30 and $0.50 per share for fiscal 2001. Within six months they had revised that estimate to between $0.40 and $0.55 per share and soon thereafter they raised the bar once againRead MoreBeloved: Analysis7215 Words  | 29 Pagescyclically as the characters memories reveal more and more to the reader and to the characters themselves. Analysis: Chapters 2Ââ€"3 Chapter 2 begins with Paul D gazing at Sethe s back and it ends with her gazing at his. These images symbolize what is taking place thematically in the chapter: the characters charting of their respective memories, of what lies behind them, at their backs. Sethe s back also contains the visible scars of her whipping. The narration alternates between two time periodsÂâ€"the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Robert Frosts Home Burial - 1304 Words
In â€Å"Home Burial,†Robert Frost uses language and imagery to show how differently a man and a women deal with grief. The poem not only describes the grief the two feel for the loss of their child but also the impending death of a marriage. Frost shows this by using a dramatic style set in New England. In his narrative poem, Frost starts a tense conversation between the man and the wife whose first child had died recently. Not only is there dissonance between the couple,but also a major communication conflict between the husband and the wife. As the poem opens, the wife is standing at the top of a staircase looking at her child’s grave through the window. Her husband is at the bottom of the stairs (â€Å"He saw her from the bottom of the†¦show more content†¦Looking at lines 3-9 you are able to see that the wife looks at her world through eyes of fear: Looking back over her shoulder at some fear. She took a doubtful step and then undid it To raise herself and look again... And her face changed from terrified to dull. (l. 3-9) Even though the wife may feel that her husband does not understand her grief, he does try to reach out to her. He implores her, â€Å"Help me, then†(l.46). He knows that he has a difficult time communicating with her and observes: My words are nearly always an offence. I dont know how to speak of anything. So as to please you. But I might be taught. I should suppose. I cant say I see how. A man must partly give up being a man. With women folk. (l.48-53) The husband acknowledges that she is grieving and asks her, â€Å"Let me into your grief†(l.62). He pleads with her, â€Å"Give me my chance†(l.64). He asks for help in such a way that his wife pushes him away again. She throws the accusation at him, â€Å"There you go sneering now!††(l.70). This starts a second argument between the two. The argument now is whether the husband can grieve for the child, in the way that he is allowed without society looking down on him? The husband wants the world to know that he is hurting too, but how can he do this? The husband was never taught to grieve, so he is in the process of learning how to do this. The wife does notShow MoreRelated Robert Frosts Home Burial Essay1248 Words  | 5 Pages Robert Frosts Home Burial Robert Frosts dramatic dialogue poem, Home Burial, is the story of a short, but important, episode in the marriage of a typical New England farm couple. They are typical because their public personalities are stoic and unimaginative, and because their lives are set within the stark necessities of northeastern American farm life. Yet, they are also typical in that their emotions are those one might expect of young parents who have abruptly and, to them, inexplicablyRead MoreThe Power of Ambiguity in Robert Frosts Home Burial1115 Words  | 4 Pagesat the moment. Then years later the situation can be reflected on and the meaning potentially can be easily seen. Often poets make use of ambiguity to move a poem or story forward by leaving a little mystery to be pondered. Robert Frost uses this in the poem Home Burial effectively. â€Å"She was staring down, looking back over her shoulder at some fear.†(Frost) He discusses an impasse in a relationship by sing an example as mourning the death of a child. The death of a child can put a strain onRead MoreRobert Frost’s dramatic poem Home Burial depicts two tragedies: the loss of an infant and the1100 Words  | 5 Pages Robert Frost’s dramatic poem Home Burial depicts two tragedies: the loss of an infant and the deterioration of a marriage that follows. The emotional dialogue characterizes husband and wife with their habits of speech, illustrating the ways that they deal with grief. Instead of comforting her in her distress, the husband attempts at every turn to force his wife to cease grieving. The unnamed farmer’s inability to console his wife, who seems to feel so much more deeply the loss of her child, combinedRead More Robert Frost Home Burial - A Reflection of Reality Essay923 Words  | 4 Pages nbsp;Home Burial as a Reflection of Realitynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Robert Frosts Home Burial is a masterfully written work, conceived from his and his wifes anguish at the loss of their first-born son as well as from the estrangement between his sister-in-law and her husband due to the death of their child. In Donald J. Greiners commentary on Frosts works, The Indespensible Robert Frost, it is revealed that Mrs. Frost could not ease her grief following Elliots death, and FrostRead MoreAnalysis of Home Burial1496 Words  | 6 PagesRobert Owen Marjory Thrash Eng 1123 V02 13 April 2009 Analysis of â€Å"Home Burial†Many of Robert Frost’s poems and short stories are a reflection of his personal life and events. Frost’s short story â€Å"Home Burial†emulates his experience living on a farm and the death of two of his sons. Frost gives an intimate view into the life and mind of a married couples’ struggle with grief and the strain it causes to their marriage. The characters Frost describes are synonymous, physically and emotionally,Read More The Theme of Death in Poetry Essay819 Words  | 4 PagesThe Theme of Death in Poetry Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson are two Modern American Poets who consistently wrote about the theme of death. While there are some comparisons between the two poets, when it comes to death as a theme, their writing styles were quite different. Robert Frost’s poem, â€Å"Home Burial,†and Emily Dickinson’s poems, â€Å"I felt a Funeral in my Brain,†and â€Å"I died for Beauty,†are three poems concerning death. While the theme is constant there are differences as well as similaritiesRead MoreComparison and Contrast How Death Effects Lives of Men and Women671 Words  | 3 Pagesas separation and stress. The poem, Home Burial, is a clear example of how the couple could not recover from the loss of their child due to the lack of communication. In spite of the fact that the characters in the poem are imaginary people, Robert Frost portrayed his personal life events in those characters lives. The unexpected death of a child can lead to a brake up i n the family, especially if there is miscommunication between the couple. Home Burial illustrates a husband and wife who areRead MoreAnalysis Of Robert Frost s Home Burial And The Death Of The Hired Man 2384 Words  | 10 Pages THESIS STATEMENT Robert Frost, an American poet during the Nineteenth Century, Modernist Era, displayed the issues of realism through his life issues of death and spousal relations through his poems: â€Å"Home Burial†and â€Å"The Death of the Hired Man†. INTRODUCTION Robert Frost’s inspiration for his poetry derived from much of his life and the historical events that surrounded him. American literary critic, Harold Bloom wrote in his Bloom’s Major Poets, â€Å"Robert Frost is one of the major American poets†¦inRead MoreBurial Of A Home By Robert Frost1482 Words  | 6 PagesBurial of a Home Robert Frost’s poem â€Å"Home Burial,†written in 1914, centers around the conversation of a married couple whose relationship is struggling after the death of their young child. A duality in meaning exists in the poem’s title, â€Å"Home Burial,†which references not only the death of their child but also the death of their marriage. Is the child’s death the sole cause of their marital distress? Robert Frost opens the poem in the couple’s home with the husband watching as his wife, Amy,Read MoreRobert Frost s Life Through Poetry1745 Words  | 7 PagesMarch 23, 2016 Robert Frost Reflects Life Through Poetry It is easy to express your emotions, and feelings through poetry. Which is exactly what Robert Frost has done through his entire career. Each poem Robert Frost has written, has meaning behind it all. He has gone through an extreme amount of events, and tragedies in his life. Frost has been through an unimaginable amount of losses, deaths, and loneliness throughout his years. Throughout his life his poetry has had a huge impact on him, the situations
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Developments in Foreign Films Essay Example For Students
Developments in Foreign Films Essay Because most movies are shot with English dialogue, Unfortunately, this means that the artistic views, interesting ideas and different techniques that are displayed by foreign filmmakers often go unnoticed by their English speaking peers. This essay aims to highlight the important developments, movements and influences present in historic French and Russian cinema. In order to give a broad overview of the industries as a whole, this essay pinpoints eight chosen films, two representing each topic, one Russian, one French. It is the aim to give a short background of each film, followed by examples of how the film is relevant to its topic and backed up by citations and references from both literature and the internet. While each topic paragraph will clearly identify its main French and Russian film before going into detail; however, some supplementary films will be included in certain topics for deeper comparison purposes. The first topic â€Å"Early Developmentsâ€Å" will provide an informative look at the major film movement of the French New Wave and the important artistic development of the Soviet Montage Theory. There will be a discussion of one representative film from each movement. It will be argued that while Russian filmmakers were developing theories to standardise the art, the French were pushing boundaries and trying to break the standards of film. However, these opposing views to film production and the ways in which they were carried out carry many similarities which will also be demonstrated. Relation to Countrys Culture will aim to show the respective position of film within each country and how film can influence and be influenced by its nations culture. There will be an example of each nations reaction to popular, home-produced films. There will be a study of the box office figures for each country, which will be related to the countrys size and number of cinemas, for both domestic and Hollywood productions, in order to numerically represent the popularity of cinema in each country. Next, Acknowledgement and Success Abroad will explore both France and Russias ability to have their films hold a place on the international film stage. There will be an examination of a particularly successful French and a particularly successful Russian film in attempts to learn more about their success worldwide and what caused it. In this section, there will also be a look at the presence of French and Russian actors, actresses and directors in the international market. The final topic â€Å"Modern Changes in Filmâ€Å" will first of all provide a separate overview of modern topics and techniques that are apparent in domestically produced French and Russian films. There will be a study of a representative film for each country. There will then be a comparative discussion of modern eccentricities that are seen in both modern French and Russian films. There will also be a short view of the importance and availability of modern, digital technology such as CGI in domestic French and Russian cinema. 2. Earlier Developments French New Wave and Soviet Montage Theory 2.1 French New Wave French New Wave cinema is a blanket term used to describe a prominent group of French filmmakers that were active in the late 1950s and 1960s. They were well known for their self-conscious rejection of classical cinematic form, experiments with editing, unique visual style, their unprecedented methods of expression and work around social and political upheavals. Following World War I, France was left in a poor financial state that affected many economic areas, including the countrys film industry, which reverted to a dependence on narrative and classical cinema that was evident in the years before the war. This sparked rebellion in critics circles. The development of the New Wave is often attributed to Francois Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, Claude Chabrol, and Jacques Rivette, who began as film critics at the influential French magazine Cahiers du Cinema. The magazine was not happy with the prospect of falling back on the timeworn methods of classical cinema, instead wanting to move forward and develop their art. Truffaut, Godard, Rohmer, Chabrol and Rivette five French filmmakers who, despite evident differences manifest in the more than one hundred films they have completed in the last twenty years, nevertheless share a basic attitude towards the art of film which unites them as a group and separates them from the majority of their predecess ors  (Monaco 1976, preface). Together in their critique, they developed La politique des auteurs, referred to as the Auteur Theory by American film critic Andrew Sarris. This theory was a set of concepts centred around the belief that the primary input into a films creation should come from the director alone, and the end product should be a reflection of the directors artistic vision. Relating to this, the New Wave directors used film not just to tell a story but also to explore and discover the world around them and try to gain a better understanding of its structure. Another point of interest the New Wave directors incorporated into their work was La CamÃÆ' ©ra-Stylo  , which was an idea put forward by writer and filmmaker Alexandre Astruc. He claimed that film had the power to become a means of writing just as flexible and subtle as written language.  New Wave directors strived to see Astrucs idea realized and turn film into a language unto itself. These ideas, combined with others, were at the heart of the French New Wave. It was further developed through a lack of money that caused directors to have to produce low-budget films, and in doing so, were forced to examine the art form itself in order to give their films depth without having money to spend on exotic locations or large productions. Directors used new techniques and visual styles, as well as unusual subject matter, to ensure the art form was not prevented from moving forward due to a lack of state money. 2.2 Soviet Montage Theory Sergei Eisensteins theory of montage was developed in the 1920s. Eisenstein had previous experience working in theatre, where he conducted a series of experimental plays that bombarded the audience with various different attractions in attempts to guide their thinking a certain way. After realising the physical constraints of the theatre, he turned his attention to developing montage for cinema. He first documented his theory in his 1931 essay ËÅ"A Dialectic Approach to Film Form. Eisensteins first four methods of montage consist of using film montage to build a story where each new scene directly relates to the one that came before it. His fifth method, intellectual montage, was not one of building bricks, but of objects in collision, producing an explosion that would arouse the viewer (Taylor et al, 2000) 2.3 Comparisons of Films A Bout de Souffle is a 1960 French film directed by Jean-Luc Godard. It presents the story of a petty criminal who, after stealing a car, shoots a policeman and is forced to run from the police. He hides with his girlfriend, who at first is unaware he is a wanted man, but soon finds out and turns him over to the police. The Battleship Potemkin (1925) is a Russian silent film directed by Sergei Eisenstein. It depicts the true story of the mutiny that occurred aboard the Russian ship Potemkin in 1905, when the crew rebelled against their Tsarist officers. A Bout de Souffle was Godards first feature length film, and is one of the inaugural films of the French New Wave movement. The entire film was recorded on handheld camera with very little lighting; Godard had decided to produce the film in the style of a documentary and there was also little money to afford expensive equipment. It was shot on location in Paris. It has also been stated that a great part of the film was improvised on the spot by Godard, who would write lines of dialogue on set, before having a few brief rehearsals on scenes involved, and filming them. The Works of Tyler Perry and Spike Lee Essay4.2 Russian War and Peace is Sergei Bondarchuks 1969 adaptation of the novel of the same name by Leo Tolstoy. This film is widely regarded as an epic of cinematic art. It was produced over a seven-year period. The battle scenes in this film are of epic proportion; one goes on for over an hour. Bondarchuk borrowed many objects from museums around Russia to be used as props, which gave a great authenticity to the film. It is estimated that it cost over an estimated $100 million, and, to this date, is still one of the most expensive films ever made. (Metallic 2011). War and Peace is widely regarded as a testament to Russian cinema. It received the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1969. CONCLUSION THE GOOD AND THE BAD 4.3 Actors and Actresses in America In recent times, the amount of French and Russian actors looking English-speaking roles in American films has increased. It can be argued that this is the case because English-speaking films have a bigger target audience than their foreign counterparts. There are approximately 107 countries in the world where English is spoken by a majority. It is far more likely for a talented French or Russian actor to receive fame and recognition on a large scale if they are awarded roles in English-speaking films. Marion Cotillard is a French actress who is currently enjoying success on the international stage. After winning an Academy Award for Best Actress in 2007, Cotillards fame has continued to rise in Hollywood. She has recently starred in a string of commercially successful, big budget American films such as Public Enemies and Inception, and is currently filming Contagion alongside Hollywood favorites Matt Damon and Kate Winslet. In contrast, currently, there is a distinct lack of Russian presence in American cinema. In the 1920s, when the Russian Empire was replaced by the Soviet state, the United States was shaken by the first wave of Russian immigration. However, during the 1970s and 1980s a strange situation occurred when non-Russians were hired to play Russian roles in films. When it was spoken, the language was spoken badly. This has begun to change over the last thirty or forty years. This is because several Russian born actors began to keep residence in Hollywood. A lot of Russian actors are severely limited in Hollywood. This is mostly due to the language barrier. Their accent does them no favors either (Russian Actors). They are usually given small roles as extra or sinister characters. 4.4 Directors A notable Russian directors is Timur Bekmambetov. He has directed such films as Night Watch (2004) and its sequel Day Watch (2006). He continued on to direct one of Hollywoods biggest films of 2008; Wanted, starring Angelina Jolie and James McAvoy, was an immediate success. It earned $80 million at the international box office in its first day of release. The film went on to earn more than $51 million in America alone (Gusyatinsky 2008). Due to its Russian director, Wanted was also popular in Russia, and was the most popular Universal Pictures release of 2008. Although his success is large, Timur Bekmambetov is one of very few Russian directors to make it big in America. 5. Modern Changes in Film 5.1 French French box office attendance was subjected to a steady decline during the 80s. However, in 2001, the French box office saw its highest numbers in 20 years (Temple and Witt, 2004: 263). While this can be attributed to the popularity of big-budget American cinema available to the younger, widely English-speaking generation, there is also evidence of rising popularity of home-grown films. Le Fabuleux Destin dAmelie Poulain (better known by its English title, Amelie) is a 2001 French romantic comedy directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet. It tells the story of a shy waitress, played by Audrey Tautou, who embarks on a journey of self-fulfillment by helping others, while still being unable to conquer her own confidence issues. It is a simple tale of Amelies life and eventual success with love that is presented whimsically, with a distinct feeling of simplicity and spirit. It received a significant amount of recognition from European and American audiences. The film itself was nominated for five Ac ademy Awards, including Best Art Direction and Best Original Screenplay. At home in France, Amelie won four Cesar Awards, including Best Film and Best Music. differences from New Wave, success abroad, etc. 5.2 Russian Ostrov (2006) is a biographical film that tells the story of a fictional 20th century Eastern Orthodox monk. The films protagonist, Anatoly, is captured on a ship by Nazis and forced to shoot his friend in order to save his own life. He is rescued by Eastern Orthodox monks, and joins their monastery. Years later, Anatoly has discovered he has the gifts of clairvoyance and healing. People visit him for cures and advice, and although his life is now devoted to helping others, he is still consumed by the guilt of killing his friend. One day, a man visits with his daughter who is possessed by a demon. Anatoly exorcises the demon before finding out the man is, in fact, the friend Anatoly believed he had killed. The man forgives Anatoly as he had save his daughter. This story is drastically different to the war epics that Russian film is traditionally known for. 5.3 Wider Acceptance of Eccentricities It can be observed that in both modern French and modern Russian cinema, there has been a wider departure from the traditional content and topic of films, to more widely accepted films with unusual content. Le Fabuleux Destin dAmelie Poulain is a whimsical tale of a young woman living in France. The films is narrated in a very fast-paced manner, that symbolizes the main characters playful outlook on life. It is humourous and optimistic in its script that deals with love. The film is dominated with sepia tones and bright greens; a colourful palette to reflect the characters colourful outlook on life, while still reflecting the Paris of the time the film is set in. The spiritual and easy tale is not one that was meant to be taken too seriously. This film provided the French cinema-going public with an eccentric fairy tale to lose themselves in. This is the last sentence, followed by a blank line. 5.4 Digital Developments This is the first sentence. There is no blank line before it. This is the last sentence, followed by a blank line. 6. Conclusions From the careful study of French and Russian cinematic history and a detailed look at a number of representative films, a number of conclusions can be drawn from this essay. Firstly, both France and Russia experienced separate periods of important development of film production methods. Frances New Wave movement sought to challenge the boundaries of classical film through rebellion and disregard of traditional film techniques and styles. Russias Soviet Montage Theory was developed to give order to the technique of montage so it could be utilized properly in films. At first glance, and through deeper analysis, there are obvious opposing differences in each movement as the Russians attempted to standardise the art form of film while the French tried to free it from tradition. However, there are also subtle similarities in the movements, particularly in the common use of certain production techniques such as cuts, only used in styliscally different ways. Bibliography: Ebert, R. (2009) La Belle Noiseuse film 2011, available: . Gusyatinsky, Yevgeny (2008) Timur B, available: Monaco, J. (1976) The New Wave, Oxford University Press. Metallic (2004) War and Peace 2011, available: . Neupert, R. J. (2007) A History of the French New Wave Cinema, University of Wisconsin Press. (2005) Russian Actors, available: . Taylor, R., Wood, N., Graffy, J., Iordanova, D. (2000) The BFI Companion to Eastern European and Russian Cinema, London.
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